Saturday, July 10, 2010

Skilling Guide: Cooking 1 - 99

[ Cooking - 1-40 ] [F2P/P2P]
Do whatever it takes to get to 40 Cooking. My suggestions would be:

Posted  Image - Shrimp.

Where found: Found in many Fishing spots along the coasts, such as Karamja dock, the Bandit Camp and Draynor Village. Also caught in Catherby and Fishing Platform.

Caught with: Small net

Current price: [X]

Exp / hour: 31,200 - 33,000

This is what you should start out with. Very easy to get this kind of fish. You can either buy or fish it.

Posted  Image - Herring.

Where found: Found in many Fishing locations, such as Karamja dock, Draynor Village, River Lum, Barbarian Village and Al Kharid. Also caught in Catherby, Ardougne River, Shilo Village, Fishing Platform, and the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

Caught with: Fishing rod and Fishing bait.

Current Price: [X]

Exp / hour: 52,000 - 55,000

The next step to getting 40 Cooking is Herring. Also very easy to get this kind of fish. You can also either buy it or fish it.

Posted  Image - Trout.

Where found: Found in many river Fishing locations, such as the River Lum and Barbarian Village. Also found in many river Fishing locations, such as Ardougne River and the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

Caught with: Fly-fishing rod and feathers.

Current Price: [X]

Exp / hour: 72,800 - 77,000

After Cooking for a while, you will see that it will take more time to get levels. That is when Trout comes in. This is very good exp, because you can buy it cheaply or simply fish it.

Posted  Image - Salmon.

Where found: Found in many river Fishing locations, such as the River Lum and Barbarian Village. Also found in many river Fishing locations, such as Ardougne River and the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

Caught with: Fly-fishing rod and feathers.

Current Price: [X]

Exp / hour: 93,600 - 99,000

This fish is actually optional. You can either stick to Trout or go on to Salmon. Salmon has more exp, but it's a little harder to get.

Posted  Image - Tuna.

Where found: Found in Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, and Rellekka.

Caught with: Harpoon.

Current price: [X]

Exp / hour: 104,000 - 110,000

When you are only a few levels away from 40, I suggest that you switch to Tuna. Tuna is not that expensive and it's much easier to get. Stick with this until you've reached 99! If you do not want to stick with Tuna to 99, I suggest switching to Lobsters, which you'll learn about further in my guide. :wink:

*Note: All these fish are located in various stores. As in Catherby or Port Sarim.


3.0 [ Cooking 40-? (Optional) ] [F2P/P2P]

  • This step is optional, what you do is fish and cook Trout and Salmon at Barbarian village until level 60+ or ask other people to give/drop their raws for you to cook. There is a permanent fire just north in the helmet shop.
    • Once level 60, start cooking lobsters but try to start cooking Monkfish as soon as possible because you now lose 100GP+ when cooking lobsters.
Like I said, this step is optional. If this doesn't seem that convenient to you, go on to the next step.


4.0 [ Cooking 40-90 ]

You are now on the road to 90 Cooking. This is where most people quit on their road to 99 Cooking, but I encourage you not to.

Posted  Image - Lobsters.

Where found: Found in Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, Rellekka.

Caught with: Lobster pot.

Current Price: [X]

Exp / hour: 151,200 - 156,000

Stop burning:
  • Level 68 (with Cooking gauntlets)
  • Level 74 (without Cooking gauntlets)
Probably the only lifesaver fish that can make you to 99. What you simply do is buy Raw lobsters and then you sell cooked. But, beware, they are less expensive cooked, so you will most likely lose profit. Also, currently, if you sell cooked Lobsters at the highest price, they frequently get bought instant, so try to take advantage of that. ^_^

Keep Cooking and Cooking and you will finally get to 90. Almost halfway!

*Big note: If you are Free-to-play, keep doing Lobsters until 99, as this is the highest fish (besides Swordfish) to achieve 99 Cooking with. So, if you have gone this far, Lobsters are the way to go.


5.0 [ Cooking 90-94 ] [P2P]

Your goal is almost halfway, stick in there!

You do not need to finish/start the quest Swan Song to cook Monkfish, only fish them.

Posted  Image - Monkfish.

Where found: Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

Caught with: Small net.

Current price: [X]

Exp / hour: 189,000 - 195,000

Stop burning:
  • Level 92
At 92, you will stop burning Monkfish. This is mainly a pretty simple process, but you will cook Monkfish to 94. Monkfish are very easy to buy raw and very easy to sell cooked. So, if you're going good, this will be a fast process.

92 Cooking! You're halfway! Congratulations! Continue to 94 and you will be on your way!

*Note: Cooking gauntlet do not effect Monkfish, as it only effects Lobsters, Swordfish, and Sharks. Source: [X]

6.0 [ Cooking 94-99 ] [P2P]

The most difficult part of your 99 Cooking process: Sharks.

Posted  Image - Sharks.

Where found: Found in Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, and Rellekka.

Caught with: Harpoon.

Current price: [X]

Exp / hour: 264,600 - 273,000

Stop burning:
  • Level 94 (with Cooking gauntlets).
You will stop burning Sharks, with Cooking gauntlets, at 94. In this process to 99, you will lose most of your money cooking Sharks and selling them. Because, raw sells for about 1-1.1kgp and cooked only sells for about 800-1kgp. So, stick in there!

Keep going, and going, and going, and you will finally make it to 99! Congratulations! Now, go get that skillcape! :thumbsup:

*Note: Cooking gauntlets is a must! Without them, you will burn some Sharks. So, make sure you wear them at all times.


7.0 [ Cooking - Locations ]

There are numbers of places to cook, but I will show you the most fastest and sufficient places:

Catherby[P2P] - One of the most popular places to cook. Only a few steps to the nearest range. Here you can fish and cook all at one location.

Rogues' Den[P2P] - Found in Burthope, this is the most popular place to cook. With a never ending fire and a bank that's only 2 steps away, this is the best, and my personal favorite, place to cook.

Lumbridge Castle [F2P/P2P] - One of the most decent spots to cook, would be the Lumbridge Castle range. The thing that makes it so decent, is that it's not that far from a bank, and also has a slight boost of less burning. Very useful. You must have completed the Cook's Assistant quest to cook on his range.

Lletya [P2P] - A very uncommon, but good, place to cook. With only steps away from a bank, is a range. Very great place to cook.

Seers' Village (Camelot) [P2P] - They are actually two techniques of cooking in Seers' Village. One, go right outside the bank, and usually there are people Firemaking there. Simply cook on one of their fires. Two, this technique is a little longer, but it's good because the fire will never die. Go to the range one house away from the bank, simple as that.

Edgeville [F2P/P2P] - These techniques go the same as Seers' Village. One, go right outside the bank and usually, not always, people are Firemaking, as well. Two, there is a range one house away for the bank. Simple cook there.

Cooks' Guild [P2P]- This place is only recommended for people that have done all of Varrock's Achievement Diary, part 3. There is a bank only steps away from the range, very great place to cook.

Grand Exchange[F2P/P2P] - Always a good place to cook. There are always people Firemaking there, so take advantage of it. :thumbsup:

TzHaar [P2P] - Right by the bank, there are numerous sulfur vents that you can cook on. It doesn't have any special effects, but it's really close to a bank.

Al Kharid [F2P/P2P] - This city is a very popular one, due to it being for crafting. Nonetheless, it has a cooking range not far from the bank. If you don't want to cook from any other ranges, this one works as well. I don't recommend this one, as there are much closer ones.


[ Quests - Cooking Experience]

It always feels good to do a quest and gain experience on the 99 you are going for. Here are all the quests that you need to know that give Cooking experience:
Quests with a choice Experience:

9.0 [ Extra ]

Posted Image - Cooking Gauntlets. They are your best friend in Cooking. What they do is they give you an increased chance of successfully cooked fish, but only on Lobsters, Swordfish, and Sharks. Please note that you have to wear them to cook all your Sharks. If not wearing them, you will burn some.

To achieve these Cooking Gauntlets. You must have completed Family Crest. Although, if you lose them, you will have to speak to the chef son in Catherby and pay 25k.

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